mardi 5 août 2014

Yeast infection in women

A vaginal yeast infection is a fungal infection of the vagina and / or of the vulva. A yeast infection can also affect the anal region. This type of infection is caused by an overgrowth of yeast or candida - A fungus that is normally found in the vagina, mouth and digestive tract, and on the skin. Candida is part of the normal "flora" of bacteria and fungi that colonize the human body-. When your immune system is strong and healthy, it maintains a balance of candida. However, it may break this balance when your immune system is weakened or if you are taking antibiotics, which can lead to a yeast infection.

How can you get a yeast infection
Because yeast seat naturally in your body, a yeast infection is not contagious like a rheum. Yeast infections are caused by an broken balance that causes a disruption of the normal functioning of the tissues of the vagina;
it proceeds as follows:
- Your vagina is normally host to many healthy bacteria, and sometimes also a few yeasts;
- Increased yeast is controlled by the healthy bacteria in your vagina. These bacteria create an unfavorable environment slightly acidic of excessive reproduction Candida. Yeasts usually cause problems when this balance is broken.

What disrupts the balance?
- Hormonal changes;
- Medicaments, particularly antibiotics;
- A weakened immune system;
- Certain medical troubles.

Symptoms of a yeast infection
A yeast infection can cause:
- Redness or swelling of the vulva;
- Itching or burning sensations of vaginal ;
- Painful sexual intercourse ;
- A burning sensation during urination;
- A thick white discharge from the vagina.

Prevent yeast infection
- Reduce your uptake of sugar and carbohydrates (starchy foods);
- Wear underwear made ​​of cotton or other natural fibers;
- Dry the genital area thoroughly after showering or bathing;
- Avoid vagina douching too frequent;
- When you have your period, change sanitary napkins and tampons frequently;
- Avoid tight clothing or manufactured from synthetic materials;
- Wipe from front to back after have been in the saddle;
- Avoid whirlpool bath and hot baths.


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