samedi 5 juillet 2014

Tooth decay symptoms

Symptoms of dental caries are highly variable and depend particularly on the caries evolution stage and its location. At first, when the enamel is only reached, the decay can be painless. The most common symptoms are:

  • Severe pain when eating or drinking something cold, hot or sweet;

  • Sensitive teeth;

  • Pain when biting;

  • Dental pain, which increase with time;

  • Pus around the tooth;

  • Changing the color or texture of the mouth

  • Brown spot on the tooth;

Risk Factors

The oral hygiene:
It is a very important parameter in the development of dental caries. A diet high in sugar also significantly increases the risk of developing caries.

A lack of fluorine:
 The lack of fluorine would also be responsible for tooth decay. Finally, eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia or gastro-oesophageal reflux are conditions that weaken the teeth and facilate installation of caries.