mardi 10 juin 2014

Psoriasis symptoms

What is it?


It is a chronic and benign skin disorder characterized by erythematous scaly lesions. Psoriasis is common, both in men than in women. 2% of the world population suffers from psoriasis. The disease is very rare in people with black skin.

The disease is not serious but its evolution is very long and extensive desperate. It can affect the quality of life of subjects, because of significant physical changes in sometimes. It is absolutely not contagious.

Psoriasis causes

The cause of the disease remains unknown despite all the current research. Family histories of psoriasis are frequent.

Psoriasis symptoms

The onset of the disease is progressive, usually between 10 and 40 years without deterioration of general state. The elementary lesion is psoriatic closet, rounded or oval, although limited, consisting of an erythematous base (redness) overcome many scales in spot candle. The scales correspond to excess dead cells that accumulate. Cell renewal is accelerated in psoriasis effect.

Scraping with a curette the lesion revealed a thin transparent film that, once torn, discovers congestive dermis (sign of the bloody dew). Pruritus (itching) is rare.

In young subjects, the rash sometimes forms a guttate psoriasis, often brutal start, can recur in the same mode or turn into classical form.

The topography of the lesions is very characteristic, reaching extension of the legs (knees, elbows), back, buttocks, around the navel and scalp.

Injuries evolve in spurts, regressing spontaneously and reappearing under the influence of stress or during an infection.

Indeed, emotional stress, a psycho shock, infection (streptococci), a wound, intense insolation, local medication, treatment with chloroquine, stopping systemic corticosteroids are sometimes found in origin of the disease or a relapse.

Particular forms are described:
  • Face psoriasis often improved by the sun;
  • Palmoplantar psoriasis;
  • Psoriasis of the nail;
  • Pustular psoriasis;
  • Generalized erythrodermic psoriasis with alteration of general condition.